Farrah Is Graduating!

May 25, 2024

Farrah Is Graduating!

May 25, 2024

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’”

— Audrey Hepburn

Please join us in congratulating Farrah on her well-deserved graduation!

We will be celebrating after the graduation ceremony
at our home on Saturday, May 25, 2024.

The graduation ceremony begins at 10AM
Longmont High School Everly Montgomery Field
1040 Sunset St, Longmont, CO 

Walk-in by the graduates begins at 9:50AM
(We recommend being seated in the stands by 9:45AM)
Celebration at our house to start after the ceremony is over.


As we get closer to the date, we will be adding more information to this page with details. Weather permitting, all are invited to the ceremony. However, if the weather causes the ceremony to be moved indoors. Farrah will only have a limited number of guests allowed to attend. Please call Jill at 303.817.3839 with any questions.

We hope to see you. Please follow the button above or below to RSVP.
We are catering this celebration with some delicious local fares and we are trying to get a head count.

Also, parking isn’t easy here. We recommend parking on Spruce or Donovan. Alley parking is reserved for family.